Sunday, March 8, 2009

End of the Semester

My first Semester in Tuebingen has now come to an end. I am quite happy actually with the way my grades turned out. I got a 1- in Massenmedien, a 2+ in Bildern Lernen, a slightly disappointing 3+ in Aufbaukurs, a 2+ in Panorama Deutschland, and a 2- in Nachkriegs Geschichte. Those are actually semi good/decent grades I suppose. NExt semester I will be quite loaded with classes. 
My first impression of the system so far are positive on the whole. However, there is actually a lack of structure here which rather present in the US system. First of all, normally in the US we have class more than once a week and there are very clear and defined class goals. In these classes we met once a week, and the professor or whomever talked for the duration of what what was only a semi informative class. This sort of forces you to do homework without directly being assigned it. I suppose that all student in all lands have to decide their own level of involement in school beyond simply showing up to class, but I found it to be rather difficult adjusting to the open ended nature of this new system. I realized that I sort of like mandatory assigned readings and homework due everytime. That could be just because I am used to it, but it really helps you know what to study for a test or whatever.
The only courses I have actually been completely disappointed by so far are the grammar courses. It may have been the teacher I had and her complete lack of charisma, but I swear I did not learn anything new that I could not have looked up on my own in 5 minutes online. And it is not as if the class was too easy, rather the difficultly was just right. The structure and teaching style sort of left me cold. Oh well at least every other class turned out well.