Friday, January 30, 2009


So here is a good example of something that would only happen in Europe.... Or Germany for that matter. There was recently this newspaper periodical that was released entitled "Zeitungszeugen" in which contains old reprints of communist and nazi newspaper reprints from the years spanning 1933-1945. WELL... as most people know published any nazu related propaganda or anthything with a swastika is typically illegal. However, these newspapers have contemporary poitical comentary in them to explain the contents or whatever, so in essence the newspapers are really nothing more than a gem for all buffs of history to collect. Unfortunately after the second world war the allies handed over the copyrights to all things nazi related including Hitler manifest "mein kampf" and therefore the Bavarian government owns the copyright to these old newspapers. I believe the newspapers are printed in Britain and therefore they are subuect to copyright infringement and therefore these are grounds to halt this re-publication of these historical newspapers. When I went to buy the third issue this morning, all there was to buy was the cover sleeve with words stamped on it in red which read "ZENZIERT... DIE FOLGENDEN ZEITUNGEN FINDEN SIE NICHT" meaning "CENSORED" "THE FOLLOWING NEWSPAPER AS ADVERTISED ON THE COVER IS NOT IN THE SLEEVE" essentially. I was shocked. As it turns out the Bavarian government was able to have all of the newspapers siezed and the subsequent issues censored. Very interesting I find. I was only able to get a hold of 1 issue which features the infamous Reichtag fires which ended up being the basis for the subsequent laws which allowed HItler to gain more power. I looked on ebay immediately to see if I could get a hold of the first issue, and that one in addition to the one I already had had more than tripled in price on ebay. A friend of mine bought several copies of the first one, I may try to convince him to sell me one haha.